--Digital illustrator ♡ she/her ♡ 18--
Heya, I'm Talijah but you can nickname me Hammie/ham for short! I'm a digital artist/illustrator who loves working with soft and nostalgic colors + creating striking but cozy visuals to look at influenced by cute culture, personal experiences, or anything I'm fixated/brainrot on.
Currently, there's work on developing a small indie webcomic
(Deep Down)
based on my original characters in the hope it'll be made in progress during summer break or soon after.
Email: [email protected]

♡ basic dni criteria (lgbtphobic, p/do, racist)
♡ proship

Basically, most of my interests consist being of having compelling storytelling, nostalgia, being humerously charming and anything cute! Or I like to say, a clumped mess of interest of almost anything or everything.
♡ Sam and Max ( especially the 90s era)
♡ Homestar runner
♡ DC/Marvel
♡ Scott prigrim
♡ Fashion ( especially Harajuku street wear)
♡ Cartoon/animations
♡ Nintendo
♡ The Mahou shojo genre
♡ 80s/90s era
♡ Hamster
♡ Classic Lay's potatoe chips ( They're the best, don't debate!)